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SafePath Laboratories產(chǎn)品列表

描述:A qualified team of professionals with over twenty-five years of experience, and a proven record of innovation, in the development, manufacture, and marketing of high performance immunoassays.


SafePath Laboratories A qualified team of professionals with over twenty-five years of experience, and a proven record of innovation, in the development, manufacture, and marketing of high performance immunoassays.

CYF-96SafePath Campylobacter Immunoassay Kit 96-wellKit 96safepath
ECM-96SafePath E. coli 0157 Immunoassay Kit 96-wellKit 96safepath
ECM-960SafePath E. coli 0157 Immunoassay Kit 960-wellKit 960safepath
LIS-96SafePath Listeria Immunoassay Kit 96-wellKit 96safepath
SAL-96SafePath Salmonella Immunoassay Kit 96-wellKit 96safepath
SAL-960SafePath Salmonella Immunoassay Kit 960-wellKit 960safepath
VTM-96SafePath Verotoxin Immunoassay Kit 96-wellKit 96safepath
TNP-96SafePath Trichinae Immunoassay Kit 96-wellKit 96safepath
TNP-960SafePath Trichinae Immunoassay Kit 960-wellKit 960safepath
TXP-96SafePath Toxoplasma Immunoassay Kit 96-wellKit 96safepath
TXP-960SafePath Toxoplasma Immunoassay Kit 960-wellKit 960safepath
Beta-48SafePath Milk Residue Immunoassay KitKitsafepath
Egg-48SafePath Egg Residue Immunoassay KitKitsafepath
Soy-48SafePath Soy Residue Immunoassay Kitsafepath


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