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ur Mission is to supply the Scientific Community with affordable high quality research antibodies and reagents. Towards this goal we are pursuing three major fields, since 1997:
  • Manufacturing of novel research antibodies (with a focus on signal transduction and the cytoskeleton). More than 50% of the still limited but constantly expanding product portfolio are unique research antibodies available from no other commercial source.
  • Commercialization of well characterized and established antibodies developed and licensed by our university partners. immunoGlobe® takes over packing, documentation, marketing, and distribution of the products. The company especially benefits also from the marketing activities of its world-wide distributors.
  • Production & affinity purification of polyclonal custom antibodiesantibody services). imunoGlobe has been one of the first service providers to offer fractional affinity purification with multiple columns! Based on sophisticated purification strategies, our special focus is on the generation of antibodies directed against modifications.
Particularly, we feel obliged to the welfare of our four-legged colleagues:
Therefore, special modes of animal housing and treatment have been developed. Rabbits are kept in groups in huge and well-structured mainly ground level enclosures. Not only for those who oppose the conventional immunization procedures and caging of rabbits, attractive chances for outsourcing of antibody projects are provided.


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